PLEASE DO NOT; I REPEAT DO NOT check the weather report. I have lived here my entire life and if theres one thing I learned is that the weather report(unless theres a tsunami(AND THEYVE BEEN WRONG ABOUT THAT TOO)) is 99.9% wrong every single time.
Kaua'i is one of the wettest spots on earth, it rains every single day BUT it's surprising how rare it is for rain to actually ruin a session. Most times it will rain for 5 mins and pass; you'll have to trust me on this one.


If you’ve already booked a date with me, but for some reason need to cancel or reschedule, the retainer fee is non-refundable but can be used to rebook the session for a later date.

What type of lighting do you use?

I'm a natural light photographer; upon booking I will be able to tell you the times of day that work best. Usually I aim for sunrise or sunset sessions.


I ask for 50/50 when booking; the last 50% is due the day before the session. If that doesn't work we can work out a payment plan that works for you.


Absolutely! I can suggest a number of locations based on what you're looking for. I was born here on Kaua'i and know it like the back of my hand. I can find the perfect location that you are wanting for your session.

Do you want a location that has easy access for other members in the session?
I got you.
Don't want the typical beach shots, want more of a jungle vibe?
I got you.
You want something that really captures the essence of Kaua'i and all its beauty?
Don't worry; I got you.

**all locations are legal and most require permits.


Short answer; yes.
However, travel fees are expected. Travel fees typically include 1-2 nights stay, rental car, and round trip flight costs. All bookings are completed by me (just so that I can book a safe & reliable area that is close to your destination). Please inquire if you'd like to know a bit more.


Here's the honest truth; sunrises by far are my favorite for sessions, especially with couples. Sunrises are more intimate, there aren't crowds and you will essentially have the beach to yourself.
Sunsets are great as well, there just tends to be more people around and there can sometimes be crowds; its easy enough to work around but it is something to keep in mind.
*There are also locations that we can go to that might have less crowds as well.

How long will it take to receive our photos?

It is of the utmost importance to me that you get a beautiful gallery. I put a lot of love and care into perfecting each image and editing is never just a click-and-done kinda thing. I have a turnaround time for sessions of 4 weeks max.

what to expect for Family Sessions

During our time together, it will be very laid back and child-led. Sometimes I'll position you in certain ways but most of the time you will hear me say " touch someone, try and close the gaps, get comfortable, keep connecting." We can play games, let them play in the sand, ask them to pick a location so they feel more included, get dirty, and just go with the flow. If you're adventurous embrace the chaos, don't expect your kids to sit still and smile. If you want real life moments captures and a lightly posed session then YES you are my tribe and we are definitely a good fit.

Can you photoshop me?

I am a body positive business but I also want you to be happy with your images. I will hide obvious blemishes, something in your teeth, etc. But this means I do not and will not "make you look skinnier"
My rule is that if it won't be there in a week, I will remove it (acne, bruises, rash, etc.

can I print my photos?

Absolutely! I encourage it! You're investing money into this session for these beautiful images that deserve to be hung on your walls, printed into albums, and showcased! You have full printing rights to your images and can print them as many times as you wish. I do recommend printing through my lab to ensure the best quality ad color - third parties labs such as Walmart, etc don't have calibrated labs like professional labs do so if you end up going to a third party company and the colors/quality seem off..that is why :)